May activities

27 May 2015: Garry participates in Pure Leaprog trustee meeting.
22 May 2015: Meeting with Matt Hover at the primary school to discuss how we can help develop sustainable classrooms.
13 May 2015: Eight students from the University of C
hester arrive and set up base camp in the doctor's surgery and prepared for our End of Decade carbon footprint survey (right).
11 May. Visit by Peter Bulmer of CWAC to discuss information sharing and our Resilience Plan.
9 May 2015: Fact finding visit by members of the Cheshire and NW Geographical Society 10am to 1pm (3 Photos).
May 2015: Country Living magazine has produced a booklet entitled 'Find your dream home in the Country' that puts Ashton Hayes as the top place to live in the UK! It says "A shining example of a village that gets things done, this is one of the UK's most dynamic and eco friendly places". Nice.
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